When I was in college, I volunteered at the college chapter of our local crisis pregnancy center where a group of us volunteered during our lunch breaks giving out free pregnancy tests and resources to any woman who came. We were a pro-life, Christian group, all of us young women, all of us full of compassion for the women and the stories we’d hear.
One thing that stuck out to me during our training was that we were to treat every woman with the respect she deserved. We’d ask permission before giving her facts, pamphlets, information, offering help. We even offered to find her a church community if she was open to it. We didn’t want her to feel alone and were ready to back up our talk with tangible support. This was important because if she couldn’t find her inherent dignity and worth, how was she going to see it in her baby? Her baby’s life was very important, YES – but so was hers.
That’s why, while another pro-life group on campus waved graphic images, our approach was to keep vigil in our advertised room, ready to talk and offer pro-life support rather than condemn.
The reality is, we are called to defend life no matter what stage. We can’t stand up for only one group of people and not another. That isn’t completely “pro” life. The truth is, there are lives that are not as innocent as the unborn, nor as loveable to us as the idea of innocent babies -but they are still worthy of dignity and respect whether they be incarcerated, children, the elderly, immigrants, minorities, different cultures & colors of skin, or of differing opinions and Faith backgrounds. If we are to have a consistent life ethic, we don’t get to pick and choose our favorites. Jesus died for every one of us. So while the unborn are definitely the most disadvantaged number-wise, let’s remember also that every👏🏿 single👏🏼 life👏🏾 is worth fighting for.
“May civic leaders work for the protection of all human life, in every stage and circumstance.” -from day 8 of the 9 day Novena for Life @usccb
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{this post appeared first on instagram.com/alleluiaisoursongblog}
Ivana says
Yes! Amen! ♥️
Bianca says
Thank you Iva. ❤️🙏🏼